Palliser Bus App

Palliser’s free bus status app now available
The arrival of winter weather inevitably brings cold, snowy mornings that leave many Palliser families wondering whether school buses are running late or running at all.
Keeping tabs on the school buses operated by Palliser Regional Schools has never been easier, with the introduction of a free iPhone app. The app, available now at App Store, gives users the opportunity to select their favourite Palliser routes and then receive push notifications to their iPhone if those routes are delayed or cancelled.
You can search iTunes for “Palliser Bus Status” or simply visit Palliser’s website at from your iPhone and you’ll automatically be prompted to connect to iTunes to download the app.
If you don’t have an iPhone, you can keep tabs on your child’s bus by visiting your school website or Palliser’s website at
With winter weather coming, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing the status of your child’s school bus with current information updated regularly by Palliser’s Transportation Services staff.